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Licensed Clinical Social Workers are significantly less religious, but more spiritual and diverse in their beliefs when compared to the American public.  Licensed nurses, professional counselors and marriage and family counselors claim grater traditional religious and spiritual beliefs that are more comparable to the general population (Oxhandler et al., 2017). 


The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has an enormous impact on the perception of mental illness, diagnosis and, most importantly, treatment.  Below are shifts in DSM terminology concerning homosexuality and religion, and reflect the social construction of the manual. 

Brief notes 

DSM I 1952


(1 citing)- Religion: a census statistic similar to address

(2citings)- Homosexuality: Deviant mental disorder

DSM II 1968


(2 citings)- Homosexuality:  Deviant and a paraphilia or sexual perversion (pedophilia and voyeurism)

DSM II revised 1973

( Post Stonewall )

Homosexuality as deviant and a paraphilia is replaced with Sexual Orientation Disturbance

DSM III 1980

(14 citings)- Sexual Orientation Disturbance:  Ego-dystonic sexual orientation; Psychosexual Identity Disorder; Identity Disorder

(1 citing)- Spiritual: Connected to the paranormal

(38 citings)-  Homosexuality: Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality; (If over 18 rule out Borderline Personality Disorder)

DSM III revised 1988

Removed Ego-Dystonic Homosexuality and replaced it with Sexual Disorder Not Otherwise Specified

(1 citing)-Sexual Orientation:  Specifics given for Gender Disorder and Identity Disorder with a caution against assigning a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder based on sexual identity


DSM IV 1994

(3 citings) - Religion:  Cultural and cultural Identity considerations.  Introduced Religious or Spiritual Problem

DSM V 2013

(9 citings)- Spirituality: All nine references used interchangeably with the term religion, with all having to do with cultural, cultural Identity, stressors, and supports, coping, and the introduction of the Cultural Formation Interview (CFI)

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